Speaker-by-speaker summary of seminar

Adjusting to Government Spending Cuts: Using Local Sources to Pay for New Transport Infrastructure

In September 2010, Steer Davies Gleave and Bircham Dyson Bell jointly hosted a highly topical event which addressed the changing transport policy and funding environment and the implications this might have on generating local funding sources, particularly using: road user charging and tolling, Workplace Parking Levies (WPL) and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Guest speakers at the event included Matthew Farrow (Confederation of British Industry) and Stephen Joseph (Campaign for Better Transport).

We have produced a speaker-by-speaker summary of the event which gives valuable insight on each of the topics covered.

Topics include:

  • Local transport authorities’ priorities in the age of austerity and localism
  • Transport policy and the next Local Transport and Local Implementation Plans
  • Road User Charging and Tolling: legal and practical issues in implementing local charging schemes
  • The Economic Impact of Road Pricing/Tolling
  • Workplace Parking Levies - how to design and implement a WPL scheme
  • The business perspective on local charging
  • Can charging for road use be made acceptable?
  • Community Infrastructure Levy and Planning Obligations

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