Following on from the Vision for Stations, which Steer developed for the Rail Delivery Group, this study was commissioned to explore possible approaches to creating a stations dashboard and classification system which could be used across the industry and beyond with the overall objective of creating a common language and resources. This would then support an ambition of bringing the industry together while also bringing the industry close to its stakeholders and customers.
The project was managed by the RSSB and a project steering group which represented the whole industry including operators and the Department for Transport.
The first part of the project involved extensive engagement by Steer with industry and stakeholder representatives, together with a global desk research exercise.
Following this initial research, we developed a set of tools to demonstrate how the Sustainable Stations Framework could be used by any party interested in the rail sector. A pilot area in the East Midlands was used to help develop and test the Framework.
Specific outputs included a station dashboard, data warehouse, station classification system, and a set of station catchment areas.
Since its development, the framework has been used in a number of rail franchise competitions, and by Steer for clients including the Department for Transport, Rail Delivery Group and HS2.