Wayfinding & information design

Navigation from place to place is a fundamental human activity and an integral part of everyday life. Effective wayfinding and signing improves a user’s understanding, enjoyment and experience and reduces feelings of anxiety, which may be caused by confusion or uncertainty in a new environment promoting active mobility, encouraging exploration and stimulating economic growth.

Wayfinding can be defined as all the ways in which people interpret their surroundings to orient and navigate a physical space. Elements that influence wayfinding include physical signs, digital information, maps, landmarks or the physical design of the place itself.

Our approach to wayfinding is underpinned by our understanding of people’s behavioural and movement needs. We observe people and the environment and use tools such as dynamic data capture, on-site observation, connectivity and GIS analysis to build a deep understanding of current conditions and identify opportunities for change.

Our work ranges from high-level strategy, via data driven maps and information systems to detailed design of physical and virtual wayfinding systems at a city, regional, district and neighbourhood scale for pedestrian, transit and cycle networks, parks and natural environments, campuses, sports parks, retail centres, airports and stations. We engage actively and passionately with stakeholders and the public to shape solutions that are relevant to the place — drawing lessons from, but not imposing, international solutions.

How we can help you

We support our clients through all the stages of their wayfinding programmes, from strategy development to implementation, and every step in between. Our core offer includes:

  • Wayfinding strategy, planning and design
  • Placemaking
  • Urban and landscape design
  • Signage and product design
  • Cartography
  • Business case

We are Steer

Yes, you are in the right place. After 40 years, we have changed our name from Steer Davies Gleave to mark our growing international footprint and our expanding portfolio into sectors beyond transport.

Explore our new website to learn more about Steer: who we are, how we work and what our future holds.